Fragments from 3 audiovisual projects will be added later on :

1. A project that took place at the exhibition ‘ A rt Town River ’ in Oudenaarde in 2001.
It was a projection of slides on a large screen about the elements ‘Water, Air and Stream’
as they are suggested in the blue Argentine marble “Azul Cielo” of the monumental sculpture
“ The airlike Spirit of Aquarius”, accompanied by appropriate music.

2. The project “The Son”

An interaction between a projection of some 50 slides taken during the evolution process of the monumental sculpture “The Son” (in Portuguese ‘Rosé Aurore’ marble) and a long litany-poem that is dedicated to the sculpture.

3. A work in progress : a projection on a three folded screen, accompanied by an electro-acoustic composition of the Danish compositor and saxophonist René Mogenson. It is inspired by an interplay of the sculptural group “All, Number, Language” or “The original Silence of the Word” and sign-symbols out of “1008 : Thousand and one Eight”.

The first performance of this project takes place on 5th of september first coming at 09 p.m. in Ghent during the "International Summer School in Systematic Musicology 2006" organised bij the IPEM (the Institute for Psycho-acoustic and Electronical Music) of the University of Ghent.


Studenthome "The Therminal", Hoveniersberg, sidestreet of Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat near the Faculty.